About US“KAMURJ” company was established in 1998 by the American Company “Save the Children Inc.” initiated a project providing micro-financial services. In 2000 “Save the Children Inc.” American Company established The Charity Found for Micro Enterprise Development which was given the rights to continue another micro-financial program started by American CRS Company two years earlier. On April 27, 2010 The Charity Found for Micro Enterprise Development created “KAMURJ” Universal Credit Organization (UCO) which became the legal successor of the micro-financial services of the Fund. On February 21 “KAMURJ” UCO Limited Liability Company was reorganized into Closed Joint Stock Company “KAMURJ”.
“KAMURJ” UCO CJSC has been actively involved in the “Water to Market “credit component program of “Millennium Challenge Corporation- Armenia” as well as “Rural Financing Institution” PIU and “Habitat for Humanity Armenia” fund programs. The activities of the company are also funded by a number of other international organizations.
On April 27, 2010 “KAMURJ” UCO was registered by the CBA (license N 31 issued by the Central Bank of Armenia) as a universal loan organization. “KAMURJ” UCO during its perennial activity supported people engaged in small business, small farms. The company also supports financial security and welfare of more vulnerable families. “KAMURJ” UCO has had a lot of achievements. It has received numerous honors, awards and has become a trustful partner for its customers. “KAMURJ” UCO tries to offer new types of loans to meet customers' needs based on the skills gained from the international experience and local markets. Since 1998 “KAMURJ” UCO has served more than 100 thousand families and improved approximately 400 thousand Armenians' lives. We will be glad to see you in our Company head office and branches where our skillful employees will provide you proper information about our loan types and will support, satisfy and improve your life through our loan programs. Thank you for being our true Customers |