Customer Rights
Dear Customers,
You can submit Your complaint and get information concerning them, or get acquainted with the internal rules of the Complaint Application Procedure in the following ways: • by calling (+374 11) 27 00 00 number • by writing to official E-mail address • by hand at the Head Office or any Branch • by Postal service, at the following addresses:
“KAMURJ” UCO CJSC Head office, Yerevan 0033, Kalents 11 Branches
Customer Complaints Review and Examination Procedure of “KAMURJ” UCO CJSC is presented in the attached documents: “Customer Complaints Review and Examination Procedure”; “Application for Property Claim Complaint”; and “Application for Non-Property Claim Complaint”.
At Your request, the Company will provide the internal rules for dealing with complaints and examinations. We also inform You that Your rights can be protected both in Court and through the Financial System Mediator (after filing a complaint). “What to do if you have complaint?” PDF Application for Non-Property Claim Complaint PDF Application for Property Claim Complaint PDF Customer Complaints Review and Examination Procedure PDF
Office of the Financial System Mediator Mediator: Vazgen Mnatsakanyan Address: RA, 0010, Yerevan, M. Khorenatsi St., 15 “Elite Plaza” Business Center, 7th floor Tel.: (+374 60) 70 11 11 Fax: (+374 10) 58 24 21 E-mail address: Website:
Working days are: Monday - Friday, 9:00-18:00 Lunch Time: 13:00-14:00 Weekends: Saturday, Sunday