Consumer loans

How much money do you need 


up to 500,000
3,000,001-25 մլն
Select loan type

If you urgently need money for Your personal needs, “KAMURJ" UCO CJSC offers you an instant ONLINE “PoghKa” microloan
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If You need money urgently and You can pledge golden jewelry or gold, and as well as, You want to get the maximum amount of pledged gold, then “KAMURJ” UCO CJSC offers You a Lombard Credit Simple from 100% to 170%
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If you need consumer loan 3-25 million AMD and you can pledge your real estate property then we offer you consumer Loan secured with real estate pledge.
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If You need consumer loan and You, together with one of Your family members, can present income statement from the employer, then "KAMURJ" UCO offers you INDIVIDUAL consumer loan
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If you need consumer loan and you can present income statement from the employer or guarantors then "KAMURJ" UCO offers you INDIVIDUAL consumer loan
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If You urgently need money for consumer needs and do not like to submit a reference from workplace, then "KAMURJ" UCO CJSC offers You ‘’Easy loan in 19 minutes’’ type of loan
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