Consumer loans

Loan Calculator

Annuity Reducing

Have Money momentary Microloan

1000,000 - 1,000,000 AMD

for 6-24 months

Without a guarantee

With an 18% interest rate 


If You urgently need money


     • for personal needs


then “Kamurj” UCO CJSC offers You an online loan with the following conditions:


Loan granting conditions

Indicator Conditions 
Borrower (s) RA citizen (s) and RA resident individual (s) 
Age limitation 18-65   
Requirements to the Client By scoring
Loan amount

100,000 - 1,000,000 AMD

Loan repayment term

6 - 24 months

Annual interest rate


Annual factual interest rate

65.73% - 69.39%
Loan servicing monthly fee 3% of the balance of the calculated loan amount
Payment mode Equal monthly payments (annuity)
Lending territory Territory of RA
Early payment terms 0 AMD
Applicable penalties Overdue loan amount and overdue interest rates 0.12% per day (maximum 90 calendar days) 
 Maximum length of decision-making 5 minutes after presenting the identification document 
Maximum length of granting 5 minutes

You can fill in the application by clicking this link:



List of necessary documents

• Passport  or/and Identification card and Social security card




ATTENTION: Actual annual interest rate shows how much the loan will cost to you after paying the interest rate and other payments in defined deadlines and amounts. You can find the calculation order of annual interest rate by pressing here 8/01


ATTENTION: If you do not perform your whole liabilities within prescribed time, the information about you will be recorded in the Credit Register of the Central Bank of Armenia by the creditor. 

ATTENTION: The number of loan applications submitted by a Client may have a negative impact on his/her credit rating.

WARNING: Your assets (house, car, etc.) may be confiscated if you do not make payments of interest and credit amount within the prescribed time as well as other regulations specified in the agreement between you and the “KAMURJ” company.

Please note that this type of loan has a high annual interest rate. Therefore, consider other similar services available in the market in advance and evaluate your chances of repaying the loan.