
Based on the current situation on the Armenian - Azerbaijani state border in Tavush region, “KAMURJ” UCO CJSC terminates the interest rates accrued on loans provided to its borrowers of Berd region and its customers from the adjacent communities, as well as, on penalties and fines calculated on overdue liabilities for a 10 day period, starting from 13.07.2020.
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“KAMURJ” universal credit organization offers an innovative online lending tool in the financial market, which allows not only to provide loans for consumer needs, but also to provide agricultural loans of up to 4 million AMD, in which the seasonal nature of agriculture is taken into account.
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“KAMURJ” universal credit organization has joined the assistance program of the RA Government, provided within the framework of neutralizing the economic aftermaths at the resulting from Coronovirus disease, which will support small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the declared state of emergency.
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Taking into account the epidemic situation caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the state of emergency declared in the Republic of Armenia, and the priority of protecting the lives and health of employees, the need to ensure safe working conditions for the latters, “KAMURJ” UCO informs
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