
“KAMURJ“ UCO has introduced a business / agricultural “Express” type of loan and has improved the terms of current business and agricultural microcredits.
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“KAMURJ” UCO announces a campaign for Lombard credits. Within the framework of the campaign for Lombard credits secured by gold pledge, customers will receive a loan with 100%, 125% and 150% of estimated value of gold.
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“KAMURJ” UCO started to carry out mortgages with gold pledge introducing 2 new Lombard credits.One of the types of loan implies loans with gold pledge at 17.7% annual interest rate, up to 100% loan / collateral ratio, and the second type of loan implies the possibility of lending without granting and gold assessment fees.
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“KAMURJ” UCO summed up the results of the 1st half of 2017 with profit of 90.5 million AMD, the Loan portfolio made 11.3 bln AMD, the Assets - 13.1 billion AMD, and the number of customers and the number of loans increased by almost 10%.
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