Significant ShareholdersOn April 27, 2010 the Charity Found for Micro Enterprise Development created “KAMURJ” Universal Credit Organization (UCO) and was recognized as the sole founder. The Charity Found for Micro Enterprise Development is a Not-for-Profit Organization which aims to implement charitable, social, educational, scientific and other beneficial programs. The Charity Found for Micro Enterprise Development is the owner of 100% shares of “KAMURJ” UCO CJSC. The statutory fund of “KAMURJ” UNO CJSC has been changed to 23.06.2014 for the last time. At present the Statutory fund constitutes 5 000 000 000 (Five billion) Armenian drams which was divided into 20.000 (twenty thousand) units ordinary shares (allotted shares). Nominal value of per share constitutes 250.000 (two hundred fifty thousand dram) AMD. The company with the purpose to increase the share capital can allot additional 100.000 units with nominal value of 250.000 (two hundred fifty thousand dram) AMD ordinary shares (declared shares). Taking into consideration the fact that “KAMURJ” UCO CJSC does not implement public placement of securities and has no minority shareholders, the Company does not publish the information mentioned in the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia Board Resolution 166-N adopted in June 2, 2009, according to 25 paragraph, 3 subparagraph of regulation 8/03 on “Information publication by Banks, Credit Organizations, Insurance Companies, Insurance Brokers, Investment Companies, Central Depositary and Payment and Settlement Organizations implementing money remittances”. |